My Korean Journey - A Television Series
From Judy Joo, Korean-American chef, restaurateur, writer, entrepreneur, and television personality, Eytan Keller (producer & director of Iron Chef America), and Randall Chalawsky (former producer of Trevor Noah), an exploration into Korean culture and identity.
From Judy Joo, Korean-American chef, restaurateur, writer, entrepreneur, and television personality, Eytan Keller (producer & director of Iron Chef America), and Randall Chalawsky (former producer of Trevor Noah), an exploration into Korean culture and identity.
Program Introduction
Program Introduction
Part immersion, part cultural dissection, part “Finding Your Roots”, this show will jumpstart your journey and discovery of being Korean.
Your Story
Your Story
Please fill out the below information (or click on link for Google Form) for the research team. Your personal info, short answer questions, and video upload is only for internal purposes and will not be shared.
Please fill out the below information (or click on link for Google Form) for the research team. Your personal info, short answer questions, and video upload is only for internal purposes and will not be shared.
What is this casting call for?
What is this casting call for?
This short questionnaire and self-recorded video will give the producers a sense of who you are, your connection with Korea, the Korean adoptee phenomenon, as well as your personal story and journey. All materials will be used as part of the research and content development process for a television docu-series. All participants who are selected for the next phase of project participation will be notified prior. Thank you for sharing your story!